The cover photo from our Consumer Engagement Plan - Allied Health Assistant Anton Harrington in the Accessible Kitchen GardenThe cover photo from our Consumer Engagement Plan - Allied Health Assistant Anton Harrington in the Accessible Kitchen GardenThe cover photo from our Consumer Engagement Plan - Allied Health Assistant Anton Harrington in the Accessible Kitchen Garden

Patients & visitors

Providing feedback

Providing feedback

Your feedback helps us improve our services and provide a better experience for patients, families and carers.

We’re committed to providing our patients with reliable, safe, person centered care.

We welcome and value your compliments, complaints and suggestions. because it helps us know what we are doing well and where we need to improve.

We would like the opportunity to resolve any concerns regarding your experience.

Talk to us

If you are staying in hospital, your first step is to talk with the staff caring for you or ask to speak to the nurse in charge.

If, after speaking with staff, you are not satisfied or would feel more comfortable talking to someone else, please contact the Patient Experience Team.

If you have urgent concerns about a patient’s condition worsening

As a family member or caregiver, you may notice early signs of a patient's health worsening. It is important that you let us know about your worries. We have a simple process called Patient and Carer Escalation (PACE) that can help you.

How to provide feedback

Complete our online feedback form

Use our online feedback form to provide your compliments, complaints and suggestions.

Complete our paper feedback form

There are paper feedback forms located at the main entrances at all our sites. Put your completed form in the feedback box. 

Email or write to us

Email your feedback to our Patient Experience Team on

You can also send your written feedback to:

The Patient Experience Team 
Austin Health
PO Box 5555
Heidelberg VIC 3084

For more guidance on what to include in your complaint, see: information to include in your complaint.

Call us

Phone: 03 9496 3566

Open hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm (excluding public holidays)

  • If the Patient Experience Team do not answer the phone, please leave a message and we will endeavour to return your phone call within one working day.
  • When leaving a message, please provide us with your name, contact number and a brief description of your concern.
  • If we need to contact you, it will be from a private number. For privacy reasons, we cannot leave a message, unless your voicemail clearly identifies who you are.

How do I know Austin Health received my feedback?

We aim to acknowledge all written feedback within two working days.  If you have not received acknowledgement of your feedback, please contact the Patient Experience Team.

Where to start with a healthcare complaint

The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care has a helpful video with information about where to start with a healthcare complaint.

Download our fact sheet

You can also download our feedback FAQs fact sheet.