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Victorian Spinal Cord Service
Victorian Spinal Cord Service
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- Victorian Spinal Cord Service
About us
The Victorian Spinal Cord Service (VSCS) provides services to all Victorians and Tasmanians, and to people in the Murray district of New South Wales.
We are recognised for our success in improving the quality of life for people with spinal cord injury (SCI).
Your care is provided by a team made up of many different specialties who work together to maximise your recovery and function after SCI.
We work closely with many other Austin Health services, including intensive care, imaging, mental health and urology services, Infectious Diseases, plastic surgery and the Victorian Respiratory Support Service.
We aim to support you to return to a full and active life in the community.
We also have an extensive research program, designed in collaboration with people who have a spinal cord injury, to meet your needs.
Our services
We provide the following services:
- Emergency care following traumatic spinal cord injury
- Spinal surgery
- Acute care
- Spinal rehabilitation
- Community re-integration
- Community programs and specialist services
Related services
For patients
In an emergency, call 000 and ask for an ambulance.
Otherwise, you need a referral from a GP, specialist or other health professional to access this service.
For health professionals
Address referrals to:
- Professor Andrew Nunn
Director, Victorian Spinal Cord Service
A request for admission indicates a high degree of urgency.
For urgent referrals, call Switchboard on 03 9496 5000 and ask for the spinal registrar.
Contact us
Victorian Spinal Cord Service
Level 3, Austin Tower
Austin Hospital
145 Studley Road
Heidelberg Victoria
Therapy Services Building
Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Centre
1 Yarra Boulevard
Kew, Victoria