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- Endoscopy
About us
The Endoscopy Unit performs a range of procedures. We use a long, flexible tube with a light and camera on the end called an endoscope for most procedures. Staff insert the end with the camera into your body and look at the footage on a large screen.
Some procedures are different. For example, a 'pill cam' is a tiny, capsule-shaped camera that you swallow.
One of our gastroenterologists or nurse endoscopists will perform your procedure.
Sometimes we may perform other minor procedures during your planned procedure, such as removing a polyp.
Our services
We perform the following procedures:
- Gastroscopy - using a camera to look at your throat and stomach
- Colonoscopy - using a camera to look at your large bowel
- Flexible sigmoidoscopy - using a camera to look at your sigmoid (a section of large bowel)
- ERCP - using a camera to look at your pancreas and bile ducts
- PEG insertion - using a camera to guide the insertion of a tube into your stomach for food and medicine
- Balloon enteroscopy - using a camera to look at your small bowel
- Capsule endoscopy (Pill Cam) - using a capsule camera to looks at the middle of your digestive tract
Head of Unit
Rhys Vaughan
Related services
For patients
You need a referral from your GP, specialist or health care provider to access this service.
For health professionals
Find out how to refer your patient.
Booking process
When we receive a referral for your endoscopic procedure, you are placed on the Endoscopy Waiting List.
You will receive a waiting list letter and be asked to complete a Patient Health Questionnaire Form.
Once the form is completed and returned in the prepaid envelope to the Endoscopy Booking Office, we can proceed to book your procedure. If the form is not completed and returned, you will be removed from the waiting list and you will need a new referral.
Depending on the urgency of the procedure, you will either be:
- Booked in for your procedure
- Placed on the waiting list for a future date
Patients who need a colonoscopy need to take preparation medicine the day before the procedure. Preparation instructions are sent out with your booking letter. This preparation ensures the endoscopist can clearly see the lining of the large bowel. You must follow these preparation instructions carefully, as we cannot do your procedure unless your bowel is clear.
What to bring
Every time you come
- Medicare card
- Health Care Card and/or concession card (if you have one)
- Private health insurance card (if applicable/if you want to use it)
- Adverse drug alert card (if you have one)
- Previous x-ray films, scans, ultrasounds or any other test results or reports
- Medicines you need to take while you are here
- List of medicines you are currently taking (or the boxes), including medicines you have bought without a prescription, such as herbal supplements and vitamins
- Glasses, hearing aid, walking frame
For your clinic appointment
- Your appointment letter
- Any special items listed on your letter
- TAC or Workcover claim number (if relevant)
For your day procedure
- Responsible adult carer to stay with you to hear instructions, help you and take you home
- Comfortable day clothes, such as a tracksuit
Our locations
You may have your procedure at the Austin Hospital or Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital.
Check the information you have received to make sure you know which hospital to visit. If you are unsure, call your surgical liaison nurse or contact us on the numbers below.
Austin Hospital
The Surgery & Endoscopy Centre
Level 2, Austin Tower
145 Studley Road Heidelberg
Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital
The Surgery Centre
Level 2, Centaur Building
300 Waterdale Road Ivanhoe
Contact us
Endoscopy Unit
For clinic appointments
For enquiries about your procedure
Contact the Endoscopy Booking Team.
Phone: 03 9496 3655
Open hours: Monday to Friday 8am to 4.30pm
Postal address
Endoscopy Booking Office
Austin Health
PO Box 5555
Heidelberg Victoria 3084