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North East Metro Health Service Partnership
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- North East Metro Health Service Partnership
The purpose of the North East Metro Health Service Partnership (NEM HSP) is to deliver better outcomes for our patients, our people, and our community. We are aiming to achieve sustainability through collaboration and integration by leveraging our unique strengths as a collective.
About us

The North East Metro Health Service Partnership includes the following health services:
- Austin Health (lead organisation for the partnership)
- Eastern Health
- Forensicare
- Mercy Hospital for Women (Heidelberg)
- Northern Health
- Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital
- St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne
We work in partnership with both the Eastern Melbourne and North Western Melbourne Primary Health Networks.

Key staff
Charlie McArthur
Executive Director, North East Metro Health Service Partnership
Bruce Weston
Director, Out of Hospital Care and Governance
Georgia James
Director, Planned Care and Strategy
Mel Gregory
Director, Program Delivery & Improvement
Our priorities
We are currently collaborating on a range of improvements across these priorities:
- Aboriginal health
- Mental health
- Out of hospital care
- Planned surgery reform
- Population health and primary care