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Virtual Fracture Clinic

Clinics & services

Virtual Fracture Clinic

Virtual Fracture Clinic

We care for and treat patients with simple fractures via Telehealth.

What we do

The Virtual Fracture Clinic provides follow-up appointments to people who have visited the Austin Health Emergency Department with a fracture.

You will have an appointment with us if your fracture needs ongoing treatment but you do not need surgery.

What to expect

Appointments are online via Telehealth. Our clinic is run by doctors with support from physiotherapists. Using our clinic means you do not have to visit hospital in person.

You may want to have a family member or carer with you in the appointment. This can help you to remember to ask all the questions you want to ask, and what was said in your appointment.

You may need to have an x-ray or other test done before your appointment. If this is the case, we will let you know and organise it for you.

You may only need one appointment with us, or we may arrange for you to have a follow-up appointment.

After each appointment, we will send your GP a letter. This will tell them what treatment you have had, and give them a plan for how best to care for you.


You will be referred to us by the Austin Health Emergency Department. We will contact you within 4 days of your visit to Emergency to arrange a telehealth appointment.

Contact us

Virtual Fracture Clinic

Phone: 03 9496 5461