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- Ability@Austin
About us
Ability@Austin is Austin Health’s registered National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provider. Our goal is to provide one entry point for you to access the right care and services. We are committed to providing you with choice and control over the supports you will receive.
About the NDIS
“The NDIS provides funding to eligible people with disability to gain more time with family and friends, greater independence, access to new skills, jobs, or volunteering in their community, and an improved quality of life” (NDIA 2023).
Eligibility criteria is based around the following:
- If you are you an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or Protected Special Category Visa holder and live in Australia.
- If you are aged between 9 and 65 years.
- If you have a permanent disability.
- If you usually need disability-specific supports to complete daily life activities.
Your NDIS plan is tailored to meet your individual needs and goals. You can find out more about the scheme on the NDIS website.
Our services
We support people with a disability, their families and support networks to access:
- Art therapy
- Home enteral nutrition and consumables
- Occupational therapy (Victorian Respiratory Support Service)
- Orthotics and prosthetics
- Physiotherapy (Victorian Respiratory Support Service)
- River Enterprises
- Talbot Maker Space
- Upper limb program
Coming soon
- Community Art Programs
- Linking to Community Leisure
- Other specialty supports and therapies
How we can help
We can help you to navigate your NDIS plan to achieve the best possible outcomes through:
- Connecting you with specialist services and therapy programs to fit your needs.
- Access multiple services across Austin Health.
- Develop your NDIS plans and arrange appointments with your chosen clinicians.
- Complete review documents as requested by the NDIS.
- Preparing quotations for consumables.
- Ordering consumables (where applicable).
Why choose us?
- At Ability@Austin you will be able to access our team of highly skilled professionals, who specialise in working with people with a disability.
- We will provide ease of communication across our services, and external health care providers.
- Ability@Austin ensures a safe environment to help each participant reach their individual goals and respects your right to exercise choice and control over the support services you choose to receive.
- Our focus is to provide strong working relationships with participants, their families, carers, and support workers.
Related services
These services can support your access to Austin Health.
You need a referral from your GP, specialist or health care provider to access this service.
Contact us
Complete our online enquiry form
For more information, complete our online enquiry form and we will contact you.
Phone: 03 9496 2105
Open hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5pm (excluding public holidays)
Program manager
Diana Poole
We can provide Telehealth appointments if they are appropriate for your care.
Who can use Telehealth?
Your health care professional or team will decide if teleheath is safe and clinically suitable for you. For example, teleheath may not be appropriate if you need a physical examination.
Let us know if you are interested in being considered for Telehealth appointments.
How to start a Telehealth call with Ability@Austin
Remember to start your video call 5 to 10 minutes before your appointment time.
Use the link that is shown on your appointment notification to enter the clinic waiting room for your appointment or select the button below.
For general information about using Teleheath see our Teleheath page.
Disability Action Plan
At Austin Health we are committed to greater access and equity of care for people with a disability.
Our Disability Action Plan lays a foundation for our organisational approach to all disability-related improvement work.
Find out more here: Disability Action Plan.