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Bone mineral density scans
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- Bone mineral density scans
- For health professionals
Comparison between scanners
Comparing scans between different brands of scanners is not a good idea. The manufacturers calibrate their machines differently, use a different population in their normal reference ranges and even measure different regions in some cases. Even though cross-calibration studies have been performed, these are of limited value in the clinical setting.
To ensure the most valid comparisons, follow-up scans are best performed on the same scanner at the same site.
Body habitus
Weight limit
Our scanners have a weight limit of 160 kilograms. Any patients larger than this will have a forearm scan only.
Patients who are immobile
We scan patients who are wheelchair or bed bound. They will be transferred to our table for the scan. Please mention this when booking.
Paediatric patients are also scanned at our facilities.
Medicare rebates
To be eligible for the Medicare rebate, 2 body sites must be scanned.
Patients will be bulk billed, if they are eligible for a Medicare rebate.
We do not recommend treatment or suggest a time to follow-up with another scan. We provide you with information in a standard format which provides a consistent interpretation and emphasises the important points that will allow you to make a sound judgement in conjunction with the other information that you have.
The images and report are available via Health Link and Xero for external referrers.
If you would like to receive the reports electronically or for any other enquiries, please contact us