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Coming to Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Centre
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- Coming to Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Centre
Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Centre is dedicated to providing the best rehabilitation services in Australia, complemented by creative therapies including art, music and horticultural therapy.
Where is Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Centre?
Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Centre is located at 1 Yarra Boulevard, Kew.
Phone: 03 9490 7500
Fax: 03 9490 7501
Find out more about Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Centre.
Main entry
You can access the hospital through the entry off Yarra Boulevard, Kew.
Main entry is open between 6am and 8pm, 7 days a week. If you need to enter outside these hours, press the button at the boomgate to speak to Security.

Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Centre main entry