People sitting in the Austin Library bookroomPeople sitting in the Austin Library bookroomPeople sitting in Austin Library bookroom



A-Z Databases, clinical and research tools

ToA-Z databases icon make finding all of our databases, clinical tools and research tools easier to find we have created an A-Z list. Browse all, or jump directly to the resource you want by using the A - Z links or search by name or keyword. Not sure which database you need? Use the subject drop-down list. If prompted, use your Austin IT credentials to log in. 

The A-Z list will soon replace this databases page. Please send us any feedback on our new page.


This page contains links to biomedical and topic specific databases provided by Austin Health Sciences Library. You may need your Library barcode and password to be able to access these resources.

Looking for Cochrane Library, evidence summaries and other secondary evidence? Go to Reviews, Summaries and Guidelines

Nursing & Allied Health

EmCare on Ovid
Ovid Nursing Database
Ovid Nursing

Mental Health


