Graduate Nurse Program
FAQs about our graduate programs
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- FAQs about our graduate programs
Do I get supernumerary time during my graduate year?
Yes you will get supernumerary time on both of your rotations, a minimum of three days on your first rotation and minimum of two on your second rotation.
How many study days are provided?
We provide a minimum of five study days in the General stream, seven study days in the Combined stream and ten in the Mental Health stream. These are tailored to meet the specific learning needs of graduate nurses.
Most graduates also attend extra study days specific to their clinical areas.
What support is offered to me as a graduate?
Graduate nurses are supported on the wards by members of the Clinical Education Unit, including specialty Nurse Educators and Clinical Support Nurses, Clinical Nurse Specialists, ANUMs and NUMs. Each graduate is also allocated a preceptor who will work with them during supernumerary time and provide ongoing support during their rotation.
I have never done a clinical placement at Austin Health - will this affect my chances of getting into your program?
No - we understand that students don't usually get to choose where they undertake their clinical placements. We welcome the diversity of students from different universities and education providers in Victoria.
What contract will I be offered if I am successful?
Successful Graduate Nurse Program candidates will be offered an ongoing employment contract at Austin Health. These candidates will commence a 54-week Graduate Nurse Program, and for the duration of the program, candidates are required to work at a minimum of 8 days per fortnight. During the onboarding process, candidates will have the ability to select to be contracted at 8, 9 or 10 days per fortnight.
Application process
Who do I address my cover letter to?
Your cover letter should be addressed to the relevant Education Coordinator to that stream:
- General and Perioperative Streams: addressed to Cecilia Ly
- Mental Health stream: addressed to Monika Drew
- Combined Stream: addressed to both Cecilia Ly and Monika Drew
How will I know if I am shortlisted for an interview and when are they held?
Graduate Nurse Program interviews will be conducted in July and August.
You will be notified by email if you have been successful in gaining an interview.
When will I find out if my application is successful?
The Allocation and Placement System, run by PMCV, conduct the matching service which places graduate nurses with hospitals. See the PMCV website for dates and timelines.
If you have been successful in getting a position at Austin Health a member of the GNP team will ring you in the week following the results being released.
My appraisal is long, what should I do?
We understand that sometimes the appraisal documents are long, and this is university dependent. When uploading your document please make sure that you include:
- Cover page with placement location and dates
- Time sheet
- Preceptor comments and rubric (Formative & Summative)
My acute placement was split over two locations, do I submit this as one or two appraisals?
Please include the appraisal from both locations as this is counted at single placement.
My preceptor did not write any formative comments?
If your preceptor did not write any comments please ensure you include the summative and include the marking rubric from your formative and summative assessments.
What should I do if my transcript does not have my third year results on it?
We understand that your third year results may not be released in time for your application. Please attach your most recent Official Transcript and bring an updated one with you to interview.
What should I do if I can't get some of the required documents by the closing date?
If you do not have a particular document when submitting your application, please indicate this in your cover letter and attach a word document with a statement explaining that you “Will submit when available”.
Please provide the document to us via email before your interview:
What are my chances if I am an interstate applicant?
Austin Health is governed by the Allocation and Placement System for computer matching. This year interstate candidates will be considered as part of the match.
I am an international student and am not eligible to register through computer match. Can I still apply?
Yes, Austin Health accepts applications form international candidates through PMCV.
Do you offer placements in specialty areas?
Yes - Austin Health has a wide variety of specialty areas across the three sites.
- Victorian Spinal Cord Service
- Victorian Liver Transplant Unit
- Victorian Respiratory Support Service and Ventilation Weaning Unit
- Emergency Department
- Acquired Brain Injury Unit
- Cardiac surgery and cardiology
- Paediatrics
- Day surgery
- Oncology and haematology
- Neurology and neurosurgery
- Renal
Do I have the opportunity to work in High Dependency Units
- Respiratory
- Neurology
- Neurosurgical
Do I get to choose where I rotate during my GNP?
As part of the application process we will ask you to list the areas in which you would be your preferred area of work. We take these into consideration when we are allocating your two clinical rotations. We cannot guarantee you will be allocated to a preference ward.
What are my chances of getting one of my preferred clinical rotations?
Traditionally there are some wards that are very popular and demand is high for these positions. As such, we ask successful candidates to give us three preferences for clinical rotations
It is our priority to ensure each graduate receives the best clinical development by rotating across two distinct clinical areas such as: acute/subacute/medical/surgical/specialty.
Will I have to do shift work as part of the graduate program?
Yes, all of our graduate programs require graduates to work a rotating roster, this includes a mix of different shifts: morning, afternoon, and night shifts. Also, this includes a mix of days of the week: weekdays, weekends, and public holidays. We ensure that shifts are well supported in the first few weeks.