Getting to know Cameron Goodyear
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- Getting to know Cameron Goodyear
14 April 2021
Chief Operating Officer and Deputy CEO, Cameron Goodyear, returned to Austin Health in February this year after spending close to three years at St Vincent’s Health.
We sat down with him this week to find out more about what brought him back and how he’s settling in.
Tell us a little bit your work history?
I’ve spent the last three years as Executive Director, Acute Services with St Vincent’s looking after Surgery, Emergency and Critical Care, Cancer Services, Medical Imaging and Specialty Medicine.
But before that, I was with Austin Health for 22 years – some might say too long!!
This included time in clinical leadership roles, managing projects and as an Operations manager looking after patient flow and access as well as medical services and eventually became an executive.
Going right back, I actually started with Austin as a nurse but I’m not sure I’d be trusted to care for a patient now! Or at a minimum I’d need a significant refresher!
What have been your first impressions coming back to Austin Health after time away?
Austin Health is genuinely a great place to work but that’s something I knew before I came back.
There has been some change in the last three years but everyone has been so welcoming and the culture of caring for our patients still stands out and is very strong.
COVID feels like it’s been galvanising because everyone has had common goal and it’s obvious to see how engaged staff have been to support each other in response to the pandemic.
What has been your key focus in your first couple of months as COO/Deputy CEO?
One of the key priorities I’m focussing on right now is patient flow.
This is not a new challenge but the increasing demand for our services means there is pressure in a number of areas across the organisation, particularly ED and our elective surgery program.
It’s also important for me personally to re-establish relationships and connections with staff throughout Austin Health including our clinicians and other key leaders.
Austin Health's Chief Operating Officer/Deputy CEO, Cameron Goodyear
This is something of strange question to ask someone with your work history, but what attracted you to the role with Austin Health?
The opportunity to come back to Austin and work with the Executive and extended leadership team is just fantastic.
I wasn’t really looking to leave St Vincent’s but it’s probably fair to say that I felt like I had some unfinished business. So the chance to join Austin again and hopefully have a positive influence was too good to let slip by.
Is there someone or something that inspires you?
It sounds a bit cliché, but I really enjoy the fact that we can make a difference working in health.
I’m privileged to work with some amazing clinicians, doing amazing things, so it’s vital to ensure this can continue to happen and that our teams feel empowered to deliver the best possible care to our patients.
Who are the significant others in your life?
My wife, Natalie, as well as my two boys aged 10 and 5 who are able to bring me great pleasure and some pain! We live locally and we’re part of the community that Austin cares for.
Can you tell us something that people might be surprised to learn about you?
Once upon a time I was an AFL umpire, not the greatest claim to fame but certainly kept me fit. I’ve also had a lifelong passion for motorsport so I guess you could call me a bit of a rev head who likes to tinker with cars in my spare time!
Welcome back to Austin Health Cameron!