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Hospital in the home
Hospital in the home
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- Hospital in the home
About us
Our experienced nurses will visit you at home to provide care. Sometimes other people might call or visit you too, such as pharmacists, physiotherapists or dietiitians.
Using the Hospital in the Home (or HITH) service means that you can go home from hospital sooner.
How does it work?
If the team caring for you think that HITH is right for you, they will refer you to our service.
A nurse will assess you. If you are eligible, we will organise home visits for you.
We provide equipment, supplies and other services you may need for the HITH care being provided to you.
While you are a HITH patient you are regarded as an inpatient of Austin Health. HITH nurses will let your Austin Health doctors know about your progress and needs.
You must be home for your planned visits, and must always be contactable by phone. Your home must be safe for you and for our staff.
When you are ready, we will transfer your care back to your GP, with any community support in place that you may need.
We involve you, your support person and your doctors in this process.
Our services
We provide the following services:
- Acute nursing care such as complex wound care or IV antibiotics
- a 24 hour on-call phone support service for all patients on the programme
We can also provide the following services if related to HITH care:
- Community support such as cleaning, showering and shopping assistance
- Physiotherapy
- Dietitians
- Equipment hire
Related services
You can only be referred to us if you are an Austin Health inpatient and your treating team thinks that our service is appropriate for you.
Contact us
Hospital in the Home
Phone: 03 9496 3378
Fax: 03 9496 3359