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How we manage your medicines
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- How we manage your medicines
This information should not replace the advice of your relevant health care professional.
During your stay
Should I bring my medicines with me to hospital?
Yes – you should bring your medicines in their original packaging. This helps ensure we know the correct type and dosage of your usual medicines.
If you are not able to bring in your medicines, please bring list of your medicines and their dose.
Can I access my medicines in hospital?
Medication is provided while you are in hospital. We will hold onto your medicines while you are a patient for your safety. Your medicines will be returned to you when you go home.
Sometimes we may not have access to a particular medicine and will need to use the medicine you brought with you. We will always ask your permission before using your medicine and will never use them for another patient.
If you prefer to use the medicines you brought from home, speak to your ward pharmacist and nurse. We may be able to use your medicines if it is safe to do so. Your medicines will need to be in their original packaging or webster pack.
Who do I speak to if I have a question or concern about my medicines?
Your nurse can direct you to the ward pharmacist. They will be able to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have with the medicines you are receiving in hospital.
Discharge medicines – when you go home
You are required to pay for medicines provided on discharge.
During your stay, the medicines you take may change. We will explain any changes in your medicines when you go home. We will also provide you with a Medicines List if there have been several changes to your usual medicines. The Medicines List explains your new medicine schedule for home and summarises the changes to your medicines.
We will provide you with a supply of the medicines you need. This may include new medicines or medicines with a changed dose. We can also refill any of your regular medicines if you ask us.
You will be charged for these medicines.
If you prefer you can have your prescriptions filled at your local community pharmacy. They will explain the new medicines to you. Some local pharmacies may not have the medication available and will need to order it in. This can cause a delay in accessing the medication. Talk to your ward pharmacist about your options.
You will be responsible for organising your own medicines if you chose to take home a prescription.
Once you have been discharged from the hospital, your GP or specialist will provide ongoing prescriptions for your medicines.
What if I need help understanding my discharge medicines?
You can request a Medicine List before you go home. This will explain your current medicine schedule. This can be especially helpful for carers or support persons who assist you with your medicines at home.
Your pharmacist will make sure you understand your new medicines before going home. If you have any questions or concerns after leaving hospital, you can call the Pharmacy Department and speak to a pharmacist.
Download as a fact sheet
You can also download the information from this page as a fact sheet.
Links and downloads
- How we manage your medicines (PDF - 215.2 KB)
Contact us
If you have any questions, please contact:
Pharmacy Department
Phone: 03 9496 5000