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We provide free interpreters for patients.
About us
It is your right to request a confidential, NAATI-qualified interpreter if you are a patient at Austin Health.
We do not encourage using family, friends or bilingual staff to interpret. Family and friends have an important role to play in supporting you.
Our services
We provide the following services:
- On-site interpreters
- Telehealth (video) interpreters
- Telephone interpreters (available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
While every effort is made to provide an on site interpreter, there may be times when there are no interpreters available. In these instances we use telephone or telehealth (video) interpreters.
Related content and services
Please ask your doctor or nurse to book an interpreter for you.
You can also ask for an interpreter when you make your next appointment.
Contact us
Language Services
Phone: 03 9496 3367
Open hours: Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm