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Resources to beat isolation
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Video calls
Video-calling is a great way to stay in touch with friends and family. Here are some things you can try:
- A dinner party - You can plan it, create a menu, get dressed for the occasion and have friends and family participate from their own homes. If you used to go out for dinner with friends, why not give this a go?
- Coffee, tea and lunch catch-ups - If you used to catch up with friends during the day for a coffee or tea, then keep doing this via video-calling.
- Go through photo albums with family and friends.
- Fun with the little ones - if you are a grandparent, uncle, aunt, adopted elder then stay connected with the kids by reading them a story.
- If you're musical - organise to play music, a musical instrument, form an online choir, or sing and dance with friends.
- Try new recipes together - cook at the same time and have a laugh while doing it!
- Start a weekly club with your friends and family - schedule a weekly time with friends and family time to discuss a good book, recipe or movie.
- Eight free mobile games to stay connected with family & friends - The World Health Organisation recommends gaming as a safe way to stay connected to friends and family, but you don't need to buy a console to get involved.
Connecting with new people
Meetup is a free platform (like facebook) for groups of people who're interested in a particular topic to catch-up online. You can sign up for a free account and then you can search under and connect to special interest groups (active, social, art, professional etc). Here is a list of Melbourne based ones that are now meeting online:
- Explore Melbourne
- Melbourne Language Exchange
- What is happening in Melbourne
- Melbourne Boardgames group (party and strategy games)
- Shy Peoples Drawing Club
- Melbourne Art Class Meetup
- Melbourne Girls Outside
- Melbourne Pranic Healing and Twin Hearts Meditation Meetup
- Pop choir
- HITRECORD a collabrative space for all creative types
Online games
There are all sorts of games that can be played online with other people:
Virtual experiences
There are a number of already existing websites and platforms that have set up virtual tours of museums, nature walks, dives, amusement park rides and more. You don’t need virtual reality equipment for these, you can view them on your phone, tablet, computer or smart TV.
- Virtual Holidays- visit tourist attractions and destinations from all around the world!
- NASA Mobile App - NASA's free Space Center Houston app lets people explore virtual reality experiences, take astronaut selfies, and follow along through an audio tour of its educational space center.
- What's On Melbourne - Find out what you can enjoy at home right now, including virtual events, online experiences and streaming performances.
- Machu Picchu 360° Virtual Tour
- Virtual Tours and Panoramas from around the world.
Live arts and music
Many theatre, opera and symphony companies are streaming concerts and making their art available to view for free:
- Melbourne Digital Concert Hall
- Billboard coronavirus-quarantine-music-events-online-streams
- Together at home - Youtube based series of at home concerts by musicians from all over the world. Updated regularly with new content.
- Melbourne Symphony Orchestra MSO - Tune in to their YouTube channel every Thursday night at 7.30pm.
- Arts Centre Melbourne
- Melbourne Theatre Company
- The Australian Ballet
- Isol-aid Festival
- Broadway Theatre
- Tribeca Film Festival this year the film festival will be going online. From 15-26 April the program that would have been shown in film theatres in Manhatten will be showcased online.
- Virtual Cinemateque - The Melbourne Cinémathèque is a membership-based film society based in Melbourne, Australia. Join them for a weekly movie night from the comfort of your own home starting Tuesday 24 March 2020.
- Metropolitan Opera the famed Metropolitan Opera (New York City) is hosting nightly live opera streams while they are closed.
- DJ sets from Ibiza
Join these free comedy shows for some laughs:
Museums galleries libraries
As museums, galleries and libraries have closed to the public they are making collections available through virtual tours:
Zoos wildlife outdoor adventure garden tours
Enjoy the outdoors by using virtual tours:
Moving in fun and interactive ways
It’s time to get creative with keeping physically active! Other ways to keep active that aren’t “workout” based are gardening, dancing to your favourite songs, even just taking a short walk or roll.
Mental health resilience and spirituality
There are a number of platforms that help build good resilience and mental health through activities especially designed for a specific concerns like reducing stress or anxiety, building gratitude, meditation, better sleep.
- Tiny Spells - Daily email to help with self-care and factoring in the impact of COVID 19 self-isolation.
- SuperBetter - Builds resilience and the ability to stay strong, motivated and optimistic even in the face of change and difficult challenges.
- Soul Pancake - They upload a brain batter of videos every week about art, culture, science, philosophy, spirituality and humor. Open your mind, challenge your friends, and feel damn good watching it.
- Kadampa Meditation Centre Australia - Kadampa Meditation Centre Australia is the national centre for Kadampa Buddhism in Australia. They have moved a number of their classes and courses online and livestreamed.
- National Mental Health Helplines
- Sacred Heart Church, Kew
- Online masses and Catholic resources
Learning a new skill will grow the mind, absorb you in a new pursuit and take your mind away for a while:
- Online learning - Here are 450 Ivy League courses you can take online right now for free. They include Brown, Harvard, Cornell, Princeton, Dartmouth, Yale, and Columbia Universities, and the University of Pennsylvania
- Open Universities Australia - Explore online university courses that are open to everyone
- - Find courses to develop hobbies, change career, return to work or upskill
- Free cooking channel
- Free Home decorating
- Udemy has some free online course as well as a range of course across many subjects
Gardening and nature
If you’re looking for a garden and nature fix then check out some of these links that Steven Wells our Horticultural Therapist has put together for you:
Gardening shows
- Gardening Australia - Gardening Australia shares knowledge from across Australia with their presenters presenting gardening stories for all Australian climates and locations. There is even a recent story about our Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Centre gardens 'A garden for healing'.
- The Garden Gurus - The Garden Gurus TV Show shares knowledge from across Australia with presenters sharing their knowledge through videos, factsheets and The Garden Gurus TV Show.
Time lapse videos
You may also find these time lapse videos facinating.
- 4K Blooming Flowers Time Lapse
- Passion Flowers Growing and Blooming
- The Corpse Flower - The Titan Arum, one of the world’s largest, rarest and smelly flowers!
Garden tours
- Gardens Illustrated - Nine free virtual garden tours, from the UK and abroad.
Music therapy (with a difference)
Our Royal Talbot music therapists have put together an amazing guide to how to boost your home engagement with music and thus explore music more.
Listening to music
Music can have a therapeutic effect on your mood, and now might be a good time to explore ways of using music as a tool to lift and transport you somewhere else.
Under Search, there's an option to Browse All categories and genres that might interest you. In the folder called Mood there are many different options to help match your mood such as:
- Morning Motivation
- Unwind 80s
- Chilled Afternoon
- Rage Beats
- Soul Coffee
YouTube Music
On the Home page, scroll down to find playlists to suit your mood:
- Feeling Good
- Energy Boost
- Easy Afternoon
- Stay Focused
Apple Music
Under the Browse topion, there is a heading called Music by Mood.
Links and downloads
Astronomy and interstellar exploration
If astronomy and space is your thing or if you are new to it you will love The Role of Data Science in Astronomy and Interstellar Exploration.
The article is packed with great information and links to telescopes like the Hubble Space Telescope and interstellar explorers such as Voyager (and lots more). Follow these links to view photos and videos of what is out there in space.
[Thanks to Sarah Walker and her student Jeremy for suggesting this link.]
Send us your suggestions
Leisure & Creative Therapies
Phone: 03 9490 7539
Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Centre
1 Yarra Boulevard
Kew, Victoria