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Clinics & services

Carer support services in Victoria

The following organisations offer support services for carers of persons with mental illness.

Carer Gateway

Carer Gateway is a national support hub for all carers. Can offer access to peer support, advice, counselling as well as linking with other services. Also offers online self-paced coaching, skills courses and an online community to connect with.  

Phone: 1800 422 737
Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm

Carers Victoria 

Carers Victoria is a Commonwealth-funded organisation providing services to carers of people with any illness or disability. Services include counselling, advice, advocacy and education.

Phone: 1800 514 845 or 03 9396 9500 


North East Metro Mental Health and Wellbeing Connect

North East Metro Connect is a warm and welcoming space for families, carers, supporters and kin of people challenged by mental health and/or alcohol and other drug use. Services include individual peer support, family therapy, educational sessions and group programs, information, resources and practical support for health and wellbeing.

Phone: 03 8850 4150


Tandem is the peak Victorian body representing families and carers who support someone living with mental health issues. Call their support and referral service to connect with someone with a lived experience as a carer of someone with mental health issues who can provide support, advocacy and linkages to other services.

Phone: 1800 314 325
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm


Mind Australia

Mind Australia offers national support for people living with mental health issues and their carers. Call their help line to access information, advice, links to other services, education, support and respite to name a few.

Phone: 1300 550 265


Sane Australia 

Sane Australia offers support and resources for those living with complex mental health issues and their carers. You can talk to a qualified counsellor on the phone, email or online webchat, or engage through in their online forums with others in the community and support each other. 

Phone: 1800 187 263
Monday to Friday, 10am to 10pm


Resources for children and young people supporting a parent or family member

Children of Parents with a Mental Illness (COPMI)

COPMI provides resources for children to help them understand mental health and how it effects their family. Also resources for parents and support persons to support and educate children about mental health issues that affect their family.

Kookaburra Kids Foundation

Kookaburra Kids provides evidence based, age appropriate, prevention and early intervention mental health education programs to young people aged 8 to 18 years who are living in a family impacted by mental illness.

Defence Kids is a special program of the Kookaburra Kids Foundation, dedicated to supporting the unique needs of children from serving and ex-serving ADF families, providing camps, activity days and age-appropriate mental health education focusing on coping skills and resilience, while allowing children to bond with peers who are facing similar challenges.

Phone: 1300 566 525

Little Dreamers Australia

Little Dreamers supports young people aged 4 to 25 who provide care for a family member affected by disability, chronic or mental illness, addiction or frail age. Offering 1:1, group, online and in-person support such as tutoring, peer support, personal development and school holiday programs.

Phone: 1800 717 515

Merri Health Young Carers

Merri Health Young Carers provides support for young carers to manage in their caring role.

A young carer can be anyone aged 25 or under who cares for another person. If you help take care of someone in your household or a friend who has a disability, chronic or mental illness, who is frail aged, or has an alcohol or drug problem, you may be a young carer. Services are tailored to your individual needs, which may include educational and emotional support, as well as the opportunity to meet other young carers and engage in a variety of programs, events and activities.

Phone: 1800 422 737

The Satellite Foundation (Satellite)

Satellite is a not-for-profit supporting children and young people aged 8 - 25 who have family living with mental health challenges. Offering age-appropriate, non-clinical, creative outlets in the form of free programs, camps, workshops and ongoing social connection activities. As well as leadership, learning and development opportunities.

Phone: 1800 973 444

Young Carers Network

The Young Carers Network is for those up to the age of 25 to connect with others and access resources and links specific to young carers. Students can also apply for the Young Carer Bursary between late July and early September each year to help continue education.  

Phone: 1800 756 238 

Carer support groups

There are various carer support groups around Melbourne and regional Victoria.

To find out what groups are in your area, visit the Carer Support Group Directory.