Staff member in Cath Lab in scrubsStaff in scrubs in the Cath LabStaff in scrubs in the Cath Lab


A paw-esome partnership bringing pet therapy to Austin Health

Polpetta (which means 'Meatball' in Italian), is one of the latest additions to the pet therapy team.

21 July 2023

Austin Health is thrilled to announce that five new pet therapy teams will be joining our dedicated staff in providing exceptional care to our patients.

These incredible teams, assessed and supported by our esteemed partner, Lort Smith, will be expanding our delivery of onsite Pet Therapy visits to bring much-needed respite, positive distraction, and the warmth of four-legged companionship to our patients.

In recognition of their invaluable contribution, we are also proud to introduce official identification cards for our four-footed friends. These ID cards signify their special place within our healthcare community, highlighting their role as cherished members of our team.

Michelle Sterry, a Lort Smith volunteer, and her Maltese Poodle named Polpetta (which means 'Meatball' in Italian), are just one of the partnerships that have recently embarked on an extraordinary journey together. "The little white dogs aren't usually considered 'traditional' therapy dogs, but I thought, 'let's see if we can have a little project together' and see what we can accomplish together," said Michelle.

Early in 2023, after applying and undergoing training, Michelle and Polpetta successfully passed a battery of tests and behavioural exercises to become a pet therapy team at Lort Smith and have visited Ward 9 at Austin Health’s Repatriation Hospital every week since.

We are proud to introduce official identification cards for our four-footed friends.
We are proud to introduce official identification cards for our four-footed friends.

"Seeing a dog in a hospital, it's so unexpected. You don't imagine you're going to see a dog when you walk through the hallway of a ward, and it completely changes the atmosphere."

"Dogs think they belong everywhere, so it works for them as well."

Throughout 2022 and 2023, Austin Health has had the privilege to facilitate these pet therapy teams from Lort Smith, who bring their best furry friends of all sizes to uplift the spirits of our staff and patients, as witnessed by Volunteer Engagement Advisor, Jacinta Burge

"The Lort Smith Pet therapy program firmly believe that there is no breed or size that makes a better therapy dog. Instead, the focus is on selecting dogs with calm and happy demeanours, extensive training, a strong bond with their owners, and a genuine love for receiving attention and affection from new people.

Their assessments for suitability include their resilience in recovering from shock, their composure in busy or noisy surroundings, and their ability to engage appropriately with specific patient or client groups. This thorough evaluation process guarantees that each dog is perfectly matched with the environment they will serve. And we are so happy to be able to support the placements made to Austin Health"

Our newly welcomed pet therapy teams will be visiting various areas of Austin Health, including the Olivia Newton-John Cancer Wellness Centre, specialist clinics, and suitable wards at the Repatriation Hospital.

As we welcome our new pet therapy teams, we embrace the power of connection, the healing potential of furry companions, and the unwavering dedication of their human partners. Austin Health extends our deepest gratitude to Lort Smith and all the Pet Therapy teams for their commitment to spreading joy, comfort, and healing within our healthcare community.