Staff member in Cath Lab in scrubsStaff in scrubs in the Cath LabStaff in scrubs in the Cath Lab


Furphy Garden unveiled during ANZAC Day service at the Repat

People gather in Remembrance Garden for Anzac Day service at Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital

Monday 24 April 2023

Austin Health’s traditional Anzac Day ceremony was held again this year in the Remembrance Garden at the Repat on Friday 21 April. Over 200 guests were in attendance for this year’s celebration including veterans, staff, MPs and special guests.

Bob Elworthy, President of the Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia (VVAA) and a patient who uses our Veterans and Serving Members Unit (VSMU), was among them.

“This is the place I turned to when I became unwell with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), not knowing what it was,” says Bob.

“One of the worst things for the veteran is he has to keep on retelling his story to every new person. Here you didn’t have to because they just knew why you were here.”

The event was extra special this year, with the unveiling of a plaque that will go in the new Furphy Garden, alongside a real Furphy Tank that has been acquired and restored for the garden.

Furphy tank and Furphy plaque in the Furphy Garden at the Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital

Austin Health’s Veteran Liaison Officer, Robert Winther says that the Furphy Garden is important as it shows patients with a military background that they are not forgotten.  

“We were fortunate to unveil the Furphy Garden at the Austin Health Anzac service. This garden will provide a very pleasant environment for the patients who utilise the mental health facility,” says Robert.  

Robert adds: “It was wonderful to once again welcome many staff, patients and visitors to the Remembrance Garden at the Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital, and remember those who served our country.”

Lest We Forget.

The 2023 ANZAC service was featured on Nine News Friday 21 April. Watch here.