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Support after sexual assault
For boys and young men
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- Support after sexual assault
- For boys and young men
It can be difficult for boys and young men to find information about unwanted sexual experiences and sexual abuse. Even knowing where to start looking for information, or what questions to ask, isn’t easy.
On this page you will find links to some short messages, videos and posters. There is some very simple information about some of the things that can make life difficult or confusing for boys who have been through unwanted sexual experiences or sexual abuse.
Some of the posters and videos include words of encouragement and advice from men who have been through abuse, as well as parents. They agreed to be part of this because they know how important it is to let you know that there is help out there.
We know this page won’t provide all the answers, but might just help with finding the right person to talk to, or starting a conversation with someone you know and trust.
Most of all, we want you to know that you are not alone, and there are people you can talk to.
If you’d like to talk to one of our counsellors, call us on 03 9496 2240 or email
If you are in immediate danger, please call 000.
Sexual abuse is about power

Some common myths about sexual abuse are:
- sexual abuse happens only to boys or men who are same-sex attracted - NOT TRUE
- men who assault boys or men must be gay - NOT TRUE
- sexual abuse leads to ‘becoming gay’ - NOT TRUE
The real issue with sexual abuse is not about sexuality but about the abuse of power and violation.

It is estimated that one in six boys will experience some form of sexual abuse. Just as there are services available to support women, there are services out there to help boys and men too. It doesn't actually matter what gender you identify as, there are specialist services to support you.
To talk to someone, call NCASA on 03 9496 2240, or email
Speaking up
Well-known men like Terry Crews and AFL player Joel Wilkinson have spoken publicly about sexual harassment in the entertainment and sports industries, and the fears that their careers would suffer if they said anything. Speaking up about unwanted sexual attention and harassment is not always an easy thing to do, but it can help take your power back.
To talk to someone, call NCASA on 03 9496 2240, or email
Reaching out for help

Compared to women and girls, men and boys are less likely to reach out and get support. There are some unhelpful ideas that asking for help is a sign of “weakness” and that “real men” don’t need to get help. However, in reality reaching out for support helps people to take back power and control in their lives.
To talk to someone, call NCASA on 03 9496 2240, or email