Austin Health Obesity ConferenceAustin Health Obesity ConferenceAustin Health Obesity Conference


Obesity Conference

This unique one-day conference is designed for general practitioners, allied health professionals and medical and surgical specialists who regularly care for people with obesity.


Saturday 22 June 2024


Education precinct, Level 4, Austin Tower, Austin Hospital


Practical obesity management – partners in care

About the conference

Attendees will benefit from important updates in the science and understanding of obesity as a disease, and the evidence around effective treatment. You will also take-home practical advice and tools from experts in obesity treatment, that can be applied in day-to-day practice.

And of course, this will be the best opportunity to meet and engage with other caring and dedicated health professionals, as we grow our network and community of obesity care professionals.

Obesity is arguably Australia’s most important disease – the leading cause of lived disease and second as a cause of mortality. With evolving assessment, dietary, psychological and lifestyle interventions, new medications, and an ever-increasing awareness and understanding of bariatric surgery - practical education and up to date understanding have never been more important.

Austin Health is a nationwide leader in the provision of publicly funded obesity treatment, and one of very few elite public health services providing both a high-volume public bariatric surgery service and medical obesity treatment. Specialists from the service regularly teach and consult on aspects of obesity care locally and internationally and are engaged in strengthening the connection among obesity specialists in our network. This local expertise and wider network have allowed us to gather an exciting program of engaging and expert speakers.

Program highlights



Updates in the modern understanding of obesity and its treatment
  • Modern definition and diagnosis of obesity
  • Evidence-based understanding of: aetiology, pathophysiology, preventability
  • Evidence on outcomes for various treatment modalities
  • Identifying and dispelling prevailing myths in obesity care
Equity and access
  • Lived experience of obesity care
  • Current issues in access to and provision of evidence-based obesity care
  • Equity and access to education and training in obesity care
  • The impact of weight stigma and bias
  • Patient and disease-centered care
  • Panel discussion - the way forward
Practical obesity care
  • Decision-making and goal setting in obesity care
  • Choosing and applying evidence-based dietary interventions
  • Psychological aspects of obesity care
  • Promoting adherence and appropriate goal setting in exercise
  • Practical use of anti-obesity medications
  • Determining suitability for surgery
  • Combined and adjuvant therapy
  • The multidisciplinary team
Obesity specialty 'shark tank' Short presentations in the value of obesity care for specific disciplines

View the full program schedule

How to register

Registration will be available via Eventbrite from Wednesday 28 February.

Our partners

Diamond sponsors

Belgravia Leisure - connecting community to leisure
Ethicon - Johnson & Johnson Surgical Technologies
Inova Pharmaceuticals
Novo nordisk

Gold sponsors

Nestle HealthScience
Warringal Private Hospital - Part of Ramsay Health Care

Silver sponsor

Laneways Rehabilitation and Ergonomics logo

Our affiliates


The University of Melbourne

Our program committee

  • Associate Professor Ahmad Aly - Upper Gastrointestinal and Bariatric Surgeon Austin Health
  • Associate Professor Niloufar Torkamani – Endocrinologist MD, PhD, FRACP
  • Dr Cilla Haywood – Geriatrician and Obesity Physician MBBS (Hons), PhD, FRACP
  • Dr Alex Craven MBBS FRACS - Upper Gastrointestinal and Bariatric Surgeon Austin Health
  • Jarryd Walkley MN - Bariatric Surgery Nurse Coordinator, Austin Health