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Orthotics & prosthetics
Orthotics & Prosthetics
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- Orthotics & Prosthetics
About us
Our team works with medical, nursing and allied health teams to prescribe, design and fit the most appropriate orthotic or prosthetic device for each patient.
We manufacture custom-made orthotic and prosthetic devices in our workshop.
We are a registered NDIS provider. This means you don't need to be an Austin Health patient to use our services. We accept referrals from the wider community, including private patients.
Find out more about orthotic and prosthetic devices.
Our services
We provide care and treatment for patients in hospital with:
- Muscle weakness or reduced mobility
- Limb amputations
- Fractures
- Pressure wounds
We also support people who need a brace to help surgery be effective.
We provide inpatient care at Austin Hospital, Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital and Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Centre.
Patients are generally assessed within 24 hours of referral and followed up as outpatients after discharge from hospital when required.
On weekends and public holidays, we have a limited service available for Halo Thoracic Orthoses. Patients can only be referred for:
- Urgent fitting that cannot wait until the next business day
- Urgent complications such as dislodgement, infected pin sites, loose pins, excessive clicking or noises that cannot wait until the next business day
We run the following outpatient services:
- Orthotics Outpatients
- Prosthetic Outpatients
We also support the following clinics:
- High Risk Foot Service
- Orthopaedic Outpatient and Fracture Clinics (Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital)
- Vascular Outpatient Clinic (Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital)
- Amputee Rehabiltation Clinic (Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Centre)
Related services
You need a referral from your GP, specialist or health practitioner to access this service for the first time, or if you have not attended for more than 12 months.
If you have a referral, please contact us us to make an appointment.
If your doctor has sent us the referral, we will contact you to make the appointment.
Contact us
Orthotics & Prosthetics
Phone: 03 9490 7666
Fax: 03 9490 7222
General enquiries:
Referrals: o&
Open hours: Monday to Friday 8am - 4.30pm
Louise Baxter
Manager, Orthotics & Prosthetics
Orthotics and Prosthetics Building
Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Centre
1 Yarra Boulevard
Kew Victoria