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Orthotics & prosthetics
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- For health professionals
Referrals are accepted from any health professional within Austin Health or the wider community.
Address your referral to the manager and fax or email to Orthotics & Prosthetics.
If you are a community health professional and want to find out more about our services, contact us to speak to one of our orthotists or prosthetists.
To become qualified as an orthotist or prosthetist, students need to undertake the Bachelor of Prosthetics and Orthotics at La Trobe University (VIC) or the University of Sunshine Coast (QLD).
Links and downloads
Our prosthetists and orthotists keep up to date with current knowledge by attending conferences, taking part in continual professional development activities, reading and discussing relevant journal articles and by undertaking research activities.
Our clinicians are involved in research activities. Several smaller-scale studies take place within our facility.
Keeping up to date with current trends and research allows our clinicians to make the best decisions about the care of each patient.
Contact us
Orthotics & Prosthetics
Phone: 03 9490 7666
Fax: 03 9490 7222
General enquiries:
Referrals: o&
Open hours: Monday to Friday 8am - 4.30pm
Louise Baxter
Manager, Orthotics & Prosthetics
Orthotics and Prosthetics Building
Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Centre
1 Yarra Boulevard
Kew Victoria