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Orthotics & prosthetics
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- Orthotics & Prosthetics
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Orthotics care is the assessment and fitting of orthoses. Orthoses are devices which are fitted externally to the body and are used to change the force applied to it.
Orthoses can:
- Improve your mobility
- Reduce pain
- Help manage fractures (broken bones)
- Assist muscle and bone weakness or alignment issues
- Help manage pressure
- Help manage contractures (joint alignment issues)
Orthoses can be custom-made, customised or fitted as prefabricated devices.
Examples of the types of ortheses we prescribe and fit are:
- Foot orthoses and footwear
- Ankle-foot orthoses
- Knee orthoses
- Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)
- Fracture orthoses
- Upper limb orthoses
- Spinal orthoses
- More complex devices as required
Prosthetic care is the assessment and fitting of prostheses. Protheses are custom-made appliances which aim to restore the function of an amputated limb as much as possible.
Throughout the amputee rehabilitation process, we use different types of prostheses such as:
- Removable rigid dressings
- Interim (temporary) prostheses
- Definitive (long term) prostheses
- Prostheses for specialised activities (i.e. water limb, sport, work etc.)
We provide both upper and lower limb prosthetic care. We also provide education and gait training.
Orthotic clinics
Orthotic management is usually provided on a fee-for-service basis.
A concession rate is available for patients who hold a valid Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card or Health Care Card.
Some outpatients may be eligible to apply for funding through the State-Wide Equipment Program (SWEP).
Patients with TAC, WorkCover or NDIS plans may be eligible for funding for orthotic management.
We are not a registered provider with private health insurers so we recommend you check with your fund prior to your appointment to see if you are eligible for any extras benefits.
Orthotic inpatients
Austin Health inpatients are generally not charged for orthotic management conducted during their hospital stay and is necessary for safe discharge from hospital.
Prosthetic patients
The Victorian Artificial Limb Program (VALP), TAC, WorkCover, NDIS and DVA will generally cover the cost of a prosthesis.
Ask your prosthetist if you are unsure whether this applies to you.