“You can’t see our smile with a mask on, but we can smile with our eyes.”
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- “You can’t see our smile with a mask on, but we can smile with our eyes.”
Rosaria Groeneveld has worked as a Patient Services Assistant (PSA) on Ward 7 East for 9 years and is now on the frontline of the pandemic.
PSAs help support patient care and ensure that there’s always a clean and safe environment for patients and staff.
“We used to be the General Medicine Ward, but in March we became the first dedicated COVID-19 Ward at Austin Health,” says Rosaria.
She finds it incredibly rewarding to ‘bring a bit of sunshine’ to COVID-19 patients.
“You can’t see our smile with a mask on, but we can smile with our eyes.”
“Giving patients a cup of tea, saying something nice to them or letting them know that we’re there for them. A smile is all it can take to brighten up someone’s day.”
Rosaria says that she does her job with all her heart.
“I can’t help the patients medically, but I can give them a clean and safe environment.”
“I’m devoted to 7 East and feel it’s a great privilege to work here.”
She also says that she feels very fortunate to work with the most incredible group of people.
“I’m so proud of the team, they’re so supportive and are doing a great job.”
“I want to be the best I can and give the best I can for the patients and for the team.”
Nurse Unit Manager, Rosemary Interlandi says that Rosaria is one of the hardest working people she’s ever met.
“Rosaria goes above and beyond to ensure that the whole ward is spotless and everyone is safe. Rosaria gives 100% and always does it with a smile and cheery attitude,” says Rosemary.
“She is a huge part of the 7 East family,” says Rosemary.
Rosaria is hopeful that we will beat COVID-19.
“Every day I have the conviction, determination, we will have a victory over this virus. We will overcome this together, I truly believe that.”