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Victorian Poisons Information Centre
First aid
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- First aid
Act on up-to-date advice
Advice about how to respond to poisoning is constantly changing. Calling us is the best way to be sure that you're acting on the most up-to-date advice.
Call us on 131 126.
Swallowed poison
DO NOT try to make the patient vomit. See our Syrup of Ipecac information sheet.
Pick up the container and take it to the telephone.
Call us on 131 126.
Poison on the skin
Remove contaminated clothing, taking care to avoid contact with the chemical.
Flood the skin with cool running water for 15 minutes, then wash gently with soap and water. Rinse well.
Call us on 131 126.
Poisons in the eye
Hold the eyelids open, flood the eye with water from a cup, jug or slowly running tap.
Continue for 10-15 minutes.
Call us on 131 126.
Inhaled poison
Get the person to fresh air quickly without placing yourself at risk.
Open doors and windows wide, if safe to do so.
Call us on 131 126.