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Procurement Activity Plan
Our Annual Procurement Activity Plan lists anticipated procurement activities for 2024 to 2025. Projects and timelines may change.
Links and downloads
- Procurement Activity Plan - July 2024 to June 2025 (PDF - 131.4 KB)
- Tenders Victoria
Procurement policy
Our procurement policy ensures:
- goods and services are on time and to specification
- competitive prices from stable suppliers
- value for money based on whole of life cost
- probity and transparency
- that we manage and reduce risk
- open and fair competition.
Social procurement
Social procurement uses our buying power to deliver positive social impacts.
Austin Health’s Social Procurement Strategy 2020 prioritises the following three objectives:
1. Opportunities for Victorian Aboriginal people
We seek to:
- buy from Victorian Aboriginal businesses
- encourage suppliers to employ Victorian Aboriginal people.
2. Opportunities for Victorians with disability
We seek to:
- buy from Victorian social enterprises and Australian Disability Enterprises
- encourage suppliers to employ Victorians with disability.
3. Environmentally sustainable outputs
We seek to:
- have project-specific requirements to use sustainable resources and to manage waste and pollution
- encourage the use of recycled content in construction.
Inform us of your social and sustainability capabilities in tender documents.
To find suppliers we use
Using these will put you in a good position to respond to our tenders.
We look forward to working with you to create a positive impact.
Supplier complaints
If you feel we've treated you unfairly, see our supplier complaints management process.
Links and downloads
- Supplier Complaints Management Process (PDF - 329.1 KB)
Purchase order terms
See our purchase order terms and conditions. These apply unless there is a separate contract or agreement.
Links and downloads
- Purchase order terms and conditions (PDF - 70.6 KB)