Austin Health Obesity ConferenceAustin Health Obesity ConferenceAustin Health Obesity Conference


Program - Obesity Conference

Registration opens at 7.45am.

Convenor welcome

Welcome to Country

Presenter: Alex Kerr 

Welcome to Austin Health

Presenter: Mr Ross Cooke, Board Chair, Austin Health 


Session 1

Sponsored by Novo Nordisk 

Opening plenary
Updates in the modern understanding of obesity

Session Chair: Associate Professor Cilla Haywood



A modern understanding of obesity: aetiology, pathophysiology, preventability and how treatment works 

Dr Georgia Rigas

Evidence on clinical outcomes for the various treatment modalities Associate Professor Niloufar Torkamani
Clinical assessment and decision making in obesity care. Dispelling common myths Dr Alex Craven 
Q & A   

Morning tea – break 1 

Session 2

Sponsored by Ethicon

Equity and Access in Obesity Care

Session Chair: Dr Dani Ko



Lived experience of obesity care

Andrew Wilson

Local lived experience

Tammy Fitzgerald
Roberta Caruso

Title TBC (Recording)  The Honourable Ged Kearney MP, Assistant Minister for Health and Aged Care
Current issues in access and provision of evidence-based obesity care. Associate Professor Ahmad Aly
Limitations on access to education and training in evidence-based obesity care Dr Krinal Mori
Ethics and Inequity as they affect obesity care Dr Dani Ko 
Panel Discussion: The way forward

Lunch – break 2

Session 3

Sponsored by iNova Pharmaceuticals

Practical Obesity Care

Session Chair: Dr Georgia Rigas



Psychological aspects of obesity care

Kylie Murphy and Annemarie Hindle

Exercise for everyone, and everything except weight loss & body composition

Associate Professor Cilla Haywood

Customised care in community settings: personalised health strategies at Belgravia Leisure Emma Lowe
Nutritional adequacy and safety in obesity treatment Andrea Jasper
Practical use of anti-obesity medications, and special considerations around women’s health Associate Professor Niloufar Torkamani 
Who should be offered bariatric surgery? (And who should receive it in public?) Dr Alex Craven  
Practicalities of system design and having the right people in place Jarryd Walkley
Panel discussion: Can’t access or afford surgery or medications ... what now?  Jarryd Walkley 

Afternoon tea - break 3

Session 4

Sponsored by Medtron

Obesity Shark Tank
Which specialities will win access to treatment from our ruthless sharks?

Session Chair: Alex Craven



Shark Tank




Jarryd Walkley
Dr Danielle Ko
Associate Professor Ahmad Aly
Associate Professor Niloufar Torkamani

Who’s in the tank?

Dr Chris Leung – representing Hepatology
Dr Sara Baqar – representing Endocrinology
Dr Anna Ridgers – representing Respiratory Medicine
Associate Professor Cilla Haywood – Geriatric Medicine
Dr Christine Houlihan – representing Gynaecology and Women’s Health
Dr Doug Hacking – Anaesthesia
Dr Hamid Salehi – representing Cardiology
Associate Professor Andrew Hardidge – representing Orthopaedic Surgery


Panel discussion with the Sharks

Audience debate  

Session 5

Closing plenary

Event conclusion

Event delegates are invited to Sir Henry Barkly Hotel for post-event drinks and networking.