Entry to Practice Program for nursing students
Sick leave
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- Nursing education
- Entry to Practice Program
- Before your placement
- Sick leave
If you are unable to attend placement due to ill-health or personal reasons, you are required to contact:
- your ward as soon as possible. The majority of areas are staffed 24 hours a day so you can phone anytime.
- the undergraduate clinical coordinator. Their contact details are on your Roster. The education office has an answering machine so you can leave a message 24 hours a day.
- your education provider office to inform them of your absence.
Medical certificates
You will also need to provide a medical certificate or a Statutory Declaration. You will need to:
- give your education provider the original document
- scan and email a copy to your undergraduate clinical nurse educator (contact details on the Roster)
- keep a copy for your own records.
Make-up shifts
Make-up shifts for shifts missed during your current placement are strictly to be discussed with the Undergraduate Clinical Coordinator and your education provider placement team. Make-up shifts from previous placements are not permitted on your current placement.
If you become unwell at work
If you become unwell whilst at work and an emergency response is called, you are required to attend the Austin Health Emergency Department as per Austin Health policy. If you are at at the Repatriation or Royal Talbot campus this will require ambulance transfer.
Students are made aware of this in their orientation.