Specialist ClinicsSpecialist ClinicsSpecialist Clinics

Clinics & services

Specialist Clinics

Attending appointments

We know that attending an appointment for the first time can be overwhelming, given we operate across five different locations.

Contact us if you have any questions about attending your appointment.

What to do before your appointment

  • Obtain any test results needed for your appointment
  • Make a list of any medications or dietary supplements you take
  • Write down any questions you may have for the specialist
  • Check your appointment notification for the location of your clinic appointment
  • Check our locations to find your clinic

Orthopaedics or Spinal Clinic appointments

If your appointment is related to orthopaedics or with the Spinal Clinic there are some extra things to do:

  • Orthopaedics: Arrive 30 to 60 minutes prior to your appointment, this will allow time to complete your scans.
  • Spinal: For information about what you will need to have ready before attending your appointment, see: spinal appointments.

What to bring to your appointment

On the day of your appointment, bring the following items with you:

  • Medicare card, pension card or any other concession card you hold (your Medicare card must be presented each time you attend clinic and is required for self check-in)
  • Your appointment confirmation letter
  • Your GP's name, address and phone number
  • List of your current medications
  • Any medication or supplements you may need during your hospital visit - there are a range of cafes available for purchasing food and beverages at our hospitals
  • Something to do while you wait, such as a book, magazine or iPad

How to get here and where to park

Check your clinic location.

Find out about transport and parking for Austin Hospital.

Find out about transport and parking for Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital.

What to do when you arrive at Specialist Clinics

Early? Wait for 30 mins

If you arrive early, wait until 30 minutes before your appointment time before you check-in.

Go for a walk or grab a cup of coffee then come back and check-in. This helps reduce overcrowding in the clinic waiting room and ensures everyone gets a seat.

Register your arrival

When you arrive, use a self check-in machine to register your arrival. 

You need to swipe your Medicare or Department of Veteran Affair (DVA) card to check-in.

If you find using the self check-in machines stressful or difficult, you are welcome to ask volunteers or Reception staff to help you.

Take your ticket and get a seat

The self check-in machine prints a ticket which confirms the location of your clinic and shows a number.

Take a seat in the waiting room and wait for your number to be displayed on the screen (or verbally announced in Clinic E).

If you miss your number on the screen, your arrival from self check-in will be registered and staff will know you have arrived so someone will come out to collect you from the waiting area.

When your number is displayed or called, proceed to the designated consulting room or area.

Why use self check-in?

We encourage using self check-in machines because:

  • The time you wait in the clinic waiting room can be measured, so that we can try to make improvements
  • Check-in is usually quicker and more comfortable - it avoids you standing in a queue at Reception
  • Your details are checked for accuracy, ensuring we have the correct details to communicate with you
  • The check-in machines translate information into several languages
  • Privacy is enhanced by not calling out patient names in the clinic waiting room
  • Noise from voice calling and overcrowding is reduced in the clinic waiting room

How long you might need to wait

It is recommended that you allow up to two hours for your appointment.

All patients are given a specific arrival time and the clinic is organised according to the type of patients seen and the number of staff available.

Unexpected delays can occur due to a complicated patient, an ambulance arrival or the urgent need for a staff member to attend to a patient on the ward.

Our target is to ensure a clinician sees you within 20 minutes of your scheduled arrival time but, if delays are expected, your clinic receptionist will keep you informed. 

Orthopaedics or Plastics appointments

If you are attending an Orthopaedics or Plastics clinical appointment, please be aware there may be a wait due to the high patient volume. We appreciate your understanding.

Contact us

Specialist Clinics

Contact Specialist Clinics

Phone: 03 9496 2444

Phone: 1800 134 864 (toll free for regional patients)

Phone: 131 450 (free telephone interpreter service)

Open hours

Specialist Clinics is open 8.00 am to 4.30 pm, from Monday to Friday.

Our Call Centre is open 8.00 am to 5.30 pm.

We're closed weekends and public holidays.