Artwork from our Reconciliation Action PlanArtwork from our Reconciliation Action PlanArtwork from our Reconciliation Action Plan


Strategies and plans

Strategies and plans

The strategies and plans we use to deliver our direction and vision for Austin Health.

Strategic Plan 2023–27

Our Strategic Plan for the next five years is ambitious. It provides a bold and transformative direction for our future.

We have learnt from the challenges of the past few years and know that our environment can change quickly and that some factors are outside our control. Taking these lessons forward, this Strategic Plan allows us to be agile and responsive, balancing focus with flexibility. It allows us to respond to changing needs in our communities and the healthcare environment over time.

Find out more about our Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan 2023–27 

Primary Care Strategy 2023-27

We are proud to be launching our first Primary Care Strategy. Developed in consultation with our key primary care partners, this Primary Care Strategy outlines what Austin Health will do over the next five years to improve the integration with primary care services in order to deliver better outcomes for our patients, community, staff and our health service. 

Research Strategy 2023-27

Our Research Strategy commits to seamlessly integrating research activities throughout the organisation, foster collaborations both internally and externally, and fortify our research support infrastructure.

The Research Strategy includes 12 Strategic Action Points that collectively will support an enhanced contribution by Austin Health to improved patient care through research.

Disability Action Plan (DAP) 2023-2026

We are committed to greater access and equity of care for people with disability. Our DAP lays a foundation for our organisational approach to all disability related improvement work.

Find out more about our DAP

Disability Action Plan (DAP) 2023-2026

Gender Equality Action Plan 2021–2024 (extended to 2025)

This plan provides a clear set of strategies and actions for gender equality that will guide our priorities over the next four years.

The Gender Equality Action Plan has been rolled over into 2025 as directed by the Commission for Gender Equality. The Gender Equality Action Plan submission has been extended to May 2026.

Our progess

For an overview of our progress towards workplace gender equality, see Progress Report - Gender Equality.

Reconciliation Action Plan April 2022 - April 2024

This RAP outlines our commitment to reconciliation and articulates the steps we will take to improving the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.

Aboriginal Employment Plan 2021-24

This plan articulates how we will attract Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander candidates to our health service and support Aboriginal employees to thrive in their roles.

Diversity and Inclusion Plan 2020–2023

Our plan celebrates the many differences that our people bring to the workforce and creates an environment where their individual contributions are embraced, valued and supported. 

Austin 2025 Clinical Services Plan

The plan provides direction and priorities for Austin Health’s clinical services for the next ten years.

Australian Centre for Transplantation Excellence and Research (ACTER)

In 2023 we began establishing ACTER, which is a key part of achieving our strategic vision to be the national leader in specialist care.

The new centre will realise excellence in transplantation, innovation and clinical care by bringing together cutting-edge clinical practice, research, transplant-orientated operational systems, and active consumer participation.

Learn more about ACTER

Australian Centre for Transplantation Excellence and Research (ACTER)

Previous publications

Access AHRO to get earlier copies of our Annual Report, Quality Account and other corporate documents.