Entry to Practice Program for nursing students
Student identification badges
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- Entry to Practice Program
- Before your placement
- Student identification badges
You will be issued a “yellow” student identification (ID) badge from Austin Health security on day one of your placement.
You are responsible for this badge and are required to return it on the final day of your placement, otherwise a fine will be issued by security. This ID badge does NOT permit access to the medication room because supervision of students is always required in medication rooms.
Student Identification Guideline
You must abide by the Student Identification Guideline which outlines procedures applicable to undergraduates on clinical school or non-clinical school placements.
The following is applicable to all students:
- students are responsible for the Austin Health ID badge whilst on clinical placement
- students are only authorised to access areas of the building related directly to the clinical placement
- students must not loan their badge to any other person for the purpose of gaining entry to Austin Health premises except in an emergency or with authority from Security.
- Austin Health has the right to track Austin Health ID badge utilisation
- when an Austin Health ID badge is lost or stolen, students must immediately report this to their supervisor or student representative
- the student representative or clinical discipline manager must inform security and HR of the lost badge
- students must return their Austin Health ID badge on completion of the placement: fee applies for non-returns as per the Clinical Placement Agreement (CPA)
- all Austin Health ID badges will be originally generated by Austin Health Human Resources (HR) Department
- Austin Health badges remain the property of Austin Health.
How to wear your ID badge
- Wear your ID badge at all times when on Austin Health campuses.
- Make sure your ID badge is clearly visible on the front of the body.
- Separate your ID badge from other cards.
- Do not wear lanyards in clinical areas.
- No obstruction to wording or photograph
- Do not place metallic stickers on the Austin Health ID badge as this will interfere with the configuration on the ID badge – and as a result will not work when entering areas with card readers.
In addition to the Austin Health ID badge, students of some clinical disciplines will also be required to wear their university ID badges whist on clinical placement. These students will be informed of this requirement by the discipline student co-ordinator or clinical discipline manager.