
Submit Abstract ResearchFest 2024

Abstract submissions open 11 April - 18 June

2024 ResearchFest abstract submission

We use the information in the form to keep in touch with you and to organise the contributions to ResearchFest into groups that will offer the greatest benefit for researchers/authors. Your abstract will appear in the exact form you submit
About the work
All correspondence regarding this abstract will be sent to this address. Email address format required.
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Correspondence will be sent to the above email address for this person
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mutiple options accepted
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mutiple options accepted
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Consumer Partnership projects show the influence of Consumers on a system or service change improving patient centred care
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Detail of prizes on offer is at The broad aim of the Prizes is to support researchers, check the specific criteria for each prize. Authors who nominate for prizes will have their work considered. PLEASE check the selection criteria before nominating.
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criteria at
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These details will be used to generate an abstract book and lists of abstracts for use during ResearchFest. Details will be published as entered with no editing. Abstracts with no permission to publish will be listed by author name with the description -this abstract is not included at the request of the author-
Please carefully consider your response. Consider IP and future publications. Seek counsel from Supervisor/Senior colleague if required
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Will be published exactly as submitted ~ 90 characters
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Will be published exactly as submitted. Please use FAMILY name in capitals followed by a comma then First name (or initials) followed by a semi-colon, and so on for each author eg WINDSOR,CAPG; RICH,Jorg; WINTER, S. Please remove superscripts or subscripts for affiliations. Names that include apostrophes or accents should be also included in the special characters section below
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Attach a pdf copy of your abstract. ONE A4 page maximum. Follow author instructions as abstracts will be published as submitted without edits.NB Long file names may cause an error message (in that case shorten the file name)
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Posters and Orals
The authors of each abstract will be invited to submit an A3 sized poster that will be displayed in the health service and at the networking event. Posters will use the better poster short format. Template on Information for authors page. All authors are invited to participate in a networking session and present a 1min elevator pitch describing their work. Some authors will be invited to present their work in further detail.
Invited presentations will be selected from this group
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These categories provide a framework for the hosted poster sessions. Multiples options accepted
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multiple options accepted
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Please inform the organisers if this work has been presented at other conferences and or meetings. Please detail any awards the work may have attracted.
other information that will assist the organiser can be recorded here.
Please rewrite here any text that has been included in this submission that has special characters such as accent acute, apostrophe, dash, quotation marks, letters of Greek alphabet, superscript, subscript., ampersand. These will need to be manually corrected
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Check back up the page. Look for for red borders around any questions, or red text error descriptions. Mandatory fields (with a red asterisk) must be completed before the form is accepted
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