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Victorian Respiratory Support Service
COVID-19: For VRSS patients
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- COVID-19: For VRSS patients
General advice
Changes to how you receive care
It is critical that you continue to receive your usual care during this time.
As a precautionary measure, there have been several changes to how you receive your care during this time.
We have increased the use of phone and video (tele health) consultations with medical and nursing staff. Please keep an eye out for text messages or emails we may send you regarding your appointments.
Please know that the VRSS has sufficient supplies of ventilators and associated equipment to look after the needs of all our clients during the coming months.
Please follow the cleaning, maintenance and ordering routines recommended in your Home Ventilator Discharge Booklet.
Do you employ health care workers or carers to help with your care?
If the availability of your support carers has been disrupted or you need backup coverage please contact:
- Your Case Manager or Support Coordinator
- Your NDIS Planner/Local Area Coordinator or if relevant, My Aged Care.
If you are with NDIS or a Home Care package, please refer to their specific COVID resource pages:
Links and downloads
Contact us
Victorian Respiratory Support Service
Phone: 03 9496 3688, press option 3 then option 2.
Equipment-related enquiries
VRSS Outreach nurses
Phone: 03 9496 3665