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Weight Control Clinic
Weight Control Clinic
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- Weight Control Clinic
What we do
We treat the most complex cases of obesity. In many cases, obesity can be treated by your general practitioner.
Obesity is a genetic disease. If you are obese, your genes make you feel hungrier than other people do, and less satisfied after eating. This makes it very difficult to lose weight.
Treatments focus on what evidence shows to be effective at reducing the hormonal drive to eat. Doctors who work in the Weight Control Clinic are also researchers within the Diabetes and Obesity Research Group at The University of Melbourne's Department of Medicine at Austin Health. They are at the forefront of global research efforts to better understand how obesity is caused and treated.
What to bring
When you come to hospital for your appointment, you need to bring:
- Medicare card
- Health care card/concession card (if applicable)
- Private health insurance details (if applicable/if you want to use it)
- Adverse drug alert card (if you have one)
- X-ray films, scans, ultrasounds or any other test results or reports
- Medicines you need to take while you are here
- List of medicines you are currently taking (or the boxes) including herbal supplements and vitamins
- Glasses, hearing aid, walking frame (if applicable)
- Your blood glucose meter and log book
Related services
Diabetes, gland & hormone problems
We care for and treat people who have diseases of the endocrine glands, such as diabetes, osteoporosis and thyroid conditions.
For patients
You need a referral from your GP, specialist or health care provider to access this service.
If you are obese (have a Body Mass Index over 30), seek treatment from your GP as a first step.
If your treatment is complicated - for example, you have a condition such as diabetes as well - then your GP may refer you to us.
We are one of Australia's leading obesity services. We get referrals from around Victoria and interstate. Please be aware that waiting times can be long.
For health professionals
We treat complex cases of obesity, or cases that do not respond to treatment in the primary care environment.
Things to know before you submit a referral
- If medications are prescribed through the Weight Control Clinic, patients may incur a cost of $270 to $460 per month.
- Austin Health does not provide any subsidy for these medications, and they are not covered by the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.
- We kindly request that you discuss these costs with your patient before submitting a referral to the clinic to ensure they are fully informed of the financial implications.
Find out how to refer your patient.
If you're interested in providing shared care, please contact us.
The University of Melbourne runs a short course for health professionals; Management of Obesity. Find out more on their website.
Contact us
Weight Control Clinic
Phone: 03 9496 2710 or 03 9496 2975
Fax: 03 9496 2980
Open hours: Monday to Friday 8.30am - 4.30pm
A/Prof Niloufar Torkamani
Head of the Weight Control Clinic
Weight Control Clinic - 9:00am Friday
Endocrine Centre for Excellence
Level 2, Centaur Building
Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital
300 Waterdale Road
Ivanhoe Victoria
Postal address
Weight Control Clinic
Endocrinology Department
Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital
PO Box 5444
Ivanhoe VIC 3079